How it works

We start all assessments with a simple question-
What is hard for you to do in your sport?

The answer usually tells us where to start.
We  find where the sensory system and motor control systems are not communicating  correctly about the information they receive under stress.

Our assessment is different.

We inventory what is going into the sensory system including the vestibular and myofascial systems and test what is happening when the body performs simple tasks. When there is a compensation- it affects all movements.
Your perception is not reality as it relates to Dynamic movement.

There is a simple process to fix these compensations.
1. Find your perception issues.
2. Remove compensation in the muscular and fascial systems.
3. Re-Organize to a new/correct pattern for proprioception.

We help you by doing specific soft tissue and neuromuscular patterning to organize the neural/fascial systems. We then design athlete specific cues and exercises to train you to use correct movement patterns and educate you to use those cues during play.

Once this happens you can “feel the difference.” The next step is to check back in a few weeks- There may be more than one layer of compensation that needs cleared.


Options for the young athlete to the professional. 

Athlete Insight Assessment


Assessment and training in your corrective cues plus a  follow up from one of our providers at Victory Sports. 

No cost for the first follow up!

Pro level Assessment


Assessment  from our full A-I Team.  
This is the master class of movement assessment.
 It includes education on your corrective cues and notes for your strength coach on cues for training. 
includes one follow up visit for the next level of cue exercises.  

Additional Follow up Assessments


Feel like you need a refresher? Have a new injury? 
Need some new Corrective cues?

Schedule a Follow up.

Athlete insight Bodywork Session.


As part of your treatment plan-we often recommend Soft tissue work to help remove fascial restriction and Neuro-musular reeducation.

Our Massage professionals are trained in the Athlete Insight Assessment and understand your compensations.